Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Summary and Synthesis

Class has been very in depth and enjoy the challenge. I feel like this is the only actual methods class where we are learning how to teach the subject at hand. My other classes I feel are just full of busy work and that I am not increasing or building my knowledge at all. It is kind of like I am just be assessed all the time with all the projects and busy work; but when I come to Math Methods I learn so much. Standards are very important and appreciate the fact that we spent so much time on them. I thought the group project, where we were to break down a standard, really helped me because when I am teaching I will be able to use that tool with other standards. The way the quizes are set up are very helpful because they direct me as to what I need to look more at. The first day of class where you showed us how bad our scores are compared to other countries really woke me up. We have always been raised to believe that the United States is the best place in the world. It helps me reach and strive to learn to be the best teacher I can be.

Ruthie Need