Friday, September 28, 2007

Doing Mathematics

Chapter two of Van de Walle talks about doing mathematics. What does it mean to "do mathematics"?


  1. When I think about what it means to "do mathematics" I think it means to be able to make sense and understanding how to figure out how to successfully learn/problem solve. Each student thinks differently and independently and students can "do" mathematics by investigating and trail and error. "Doing Mathematics", to me, is believing you can do, and make sense of math, and understanding the meaning behind math.

  2. To "do mathematics" I think one needs to take the typical math taught in the elementary classroom to a deeper level. The student needs to be able to look at a problem, understand it, solve it, and then undertand what the answer means. I think "to do mathematics", you need more than a pencil and paper. You need to have an entire thought process and be mentally involved with every aspect of the problem being solved.

  3. When I think about "doing Mathematics" I think about the different processes it takes to get to an answer. The "Doing" part refers to actually performing the operations to get to the final answer. This is not only being able to perform but also to know and understand each step and why each step is needed in the process.

  4. To "do mathematics", I believe, is to look at the "how" and the "why" of a mathematical process. It is easy to memorize and forget a formula, but if you learn through trial and error and experiment with the material to obtain a deeper meaning of the content, you will be more apt to retain the information. To "do" mathematics is to go through the "grunt" work and find out the behind-the-scenes information that most educators never teach their students.

  5. When I hear "do mathematics" I immediately think solve. But from being in this course, I now know that solving isn't just using a formula to find an answer. Solving can be done using many different routes, and one must understand the problem in a way that allows them to solve it using their own thinking. "Doing mathematics" then is thinking about a problem, coming up with a way to solve it, and knowing why.

  6. To "do mathematics", I feel that it is to look at all the different processes it takes. The "do" part is where you actually perform the steps to get to the final anser. It's not just about doing mathematics but to be able to understand how you did it and be able to see why you did it.

  7. I believe that doing Mathmatics is not only being ableto do the problems presented, but being able to understand why you did the problem in that way. I believe it is taking math and looking at it in a much deeper manor in order to fully understand why we are completing it and why we need to anwer it in such a way. By understanding it completely it will benefit us in the long run because it will sink in more. We will be able to make more sense of problems in the future. Doing math can be interpreted many different ways, but in my opinion to really do math you need to understand why you are doing it.
    Steph Graff

  8. I think the phrase "do mathematics" means to actual complete math problems but also understand the reasons behind what formulas you are using to answer the question. Also, when you solve the problem you should be able to give reasoning/proof behind why your answer is correct. This all together is doing mathematics as you are looking deep into the math problem and understanding where the answer is coming from.

  9. I think by doing mathematics you have to look beyond the formula. You need to understand why the formula is there by making connections to prior learning. You have to find ways to understand other peoples strategies and be able to justify your own answer.
    Math should be related to real life experiences and find ways to get students actively thinking about the concept.

  10. Doing mathematics is having to ability to use prior knowledge and previously learned skills to logically come to a mathematical conclusion. I don't know if anyone like the show Numb3rs, (I do, even if it may not be completely accurate!) but the opening little scene says it all - math is more than formulas and equations, it logic. Doing mathematics then, is using logic.

  11. I think that doing mathematics involves being able to arrive at a solution for a problem, along with being able to understand how and why you came to that solution. It's more than plugging numbers into formulas.

  12. "Doing Mathematics," to me, means solving problems. In order to solve any type of problem, the root of the problem needs to be identified first and foremost. After identifying the root, different strategies should be applied in order to arrive at the right answer.

  13. Doing mathmatics to me is to find the right approach to a problem to solve the problem. Doing mathmatics is also more than just solving the problem but finding a way to solve the problem even though it may not be the right way of solving the problem or using different strategies and logic to solve the problem.

  14. Doing mathematics is being able to solve problems by using different strategies and ideas from past concepts. It is being able to understand the relationship between concepts and through exploration of your ideas and others in the classroom problems can be solved through a number of different routes. Students in a classroom can not be threatened and be willing to be risk takers while trying to solve difficult problems in order for them to have a deep understanding of the concept.

  15. Doing mathematics to me is working a way through a problem, finding a process to doing something. It is trying different ways at going at a problem and then finding what best works for you. But it works best if you are the one that is exploring and finding what works then for someone to tell you how to do it.

  16. I think that to "do mathematics"is to solve problems using different strategies. You need to understand the problem and determine out what strategy will best solve it.

  17. To "do mathematics" is not to just find a solution to a problem by using a certain formula. I think "doing mathematics" is the part of working through the problem and thinking about the problem.

  18. I believe to "do mathematics" means to completely understand the WHY portion of a problem. I don't think I have ever been exposed to the WHY part of a problem, so I tend to struggle with math in general. I can learn math facts and formulas but if I don't truly understand how to use them and what it all means I struggle. I enjoy learning of new ideas, creative ways, other routes to problem solving.

  19. I believe "doing math" is not sitting down trying to find the right answer and checking in back of the book, as seen in most ementary to college math classes. It stems from the true understanding of the hows and whys of math. The text gave a list of verbs and I think these represent what "doing math" is all about. Discovering the processes, describing why and how you got that and how it can be applied elsewhere. Justifying and predicting are some of the important verbs that I think represent what "doing math" is. As teachers we want to strive to teach our children on this deeper level so down the road they do not forget what they have learned and why they have learned.

  20. I think that "dong mathematics" means that you as a student are actually finding out how to come up with a solution to a problem and not just being told how to do it. I think that if a student is given concrete evidence on how and why we use certian strategies and formulas to solve problems then they will be able to "do mathematic."

  21. I think that "do mathmatics" it means to understand the concept and actually make sense of it. Coming up with that deeper level and creating a solution out of it. To actually live it and apply it in our daily lives.

  22. I think that "doing mathematics" involves getting students to problem solve or test their ideas. They need to learn processes like trial and error because students learn from their mistakes and can build on them. By looking at things differently students understand more than just answers and equations.

  23. I think doing mathmatics means getting everyone involved. It means to come up with different ways and finding your own best ways to come up with a problem. Doing math I think is more hands on and searching for answers.

  24. To "Do Mathmatics" is to apply the formulas to a specific situation. To "plug it in" is what I have always used as a basic description for what I have always done in math classes and for all math problems I have come into contact with in the past.


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