Sunday, September 30, 2007

Summary and Synthesis

This semester, thus far, has been very informative and eye opening. We have explored many different topics in the short period of time we have had. We began with the topic of constructivism and what we thought it meant. Different meanings were investigated along with the history and the true meaning of constructivism. After the thorough study of constructivism, we were introduced to problem solving and the different methods involved in teaching a student. I found it interesting that as a pre-service teacher, I myself have never questioned as to why certain mathematical problems are approached the way they are. I have always been taught what to do but never knew why (regarding mathematical processes). Following problem solving we took a field trip as a class to Ponca Park. Integration, concept mapping, and standards were the focus of this trip. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate with this experience and we were inside for most of the day. I think if the weather had cooperated, the experience would have been more fulfilling than it was. After the Ponca Park experience, and currently, we have been working on geometry and all that it has to offer. Dr. Reins has given us different theories, articles, and methods to all look at to help benefit our learning in becoming a teacher. Overall, this class is helping me to explore different ways of thinking and essentially benefiting me by opening my mind up to several methods and approaches in teaching mathematics at an elementary grade level.

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