Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What is constructivism?

I would like you to write a comment to this post. In your own words, without talking to anyone and without looking it up, write your thoughts on What is constructivism?


  1. I think that constructivism is very student centered. There's cooperative learning, and a lot of hands on activies. The teacher is more of a director, stepping back to allow the students more freedom in how they learn something. It's a little more chaotic, but seems to help students learn better. A fair tradeoff, in my opinion :)
    Mary Fink

  2. I believe that constructivism is learner based. Instead of a teacher lecturing a constructivist classroom would have groups of students helping and teaching each other. The teacher would still influence the students but not as much.

  3. Constructivism is where the students are doing more hands on activities and experimenting. It allows more learning and a higher motivation for students. The teacher is there to guide the students and help them out as they are figuring out things on their own.

  4. I think constructivism is more student based learning. Instead of the teacher just explaining how to do a task the students are involved in hands on learning. This gives students the chance to learn how to complete the task with a little more flexibility.

  5. Constructivism actively engages students in their learning with the teacher serving as a guide. In a constructivist classroom, the teacher provides opportunities for the students to problem solve, experiment, and work with each other.

  6. Constructivism is a learning theory from Piaget. I think it is a student-based theory in which the students have more opportunities to particpate and learn. Constructivism is also a theory that makes each student's learning individual.

  7. Constructivism emphasizes learning and not teaching. It also encourages learner inquiry. It also provides learners the opportunity to construct new knowledge and understanding of authentic experience. The experience of learning is directed by the student and supported by the teacher.

  8. Constructivism to me means the teacher is more of the facilitaor of the information and observes the students' progress. The students learn by hands on, and group activities and learn through a wide range of activites.

  9. I belive that constructivism is a way of teaching students so that they are learning hands on. They are learning by finding out instead of being told. They learn by process. The teacher is their to guide their learning.

  10. Constructivism is the teaching phylosophy that focuses on the children. The student has more influence in what happens in the classroom. A teacher who uses the constructivist approach focuses on how the students can best learn by implimenting group projects and student led activities.

  11. I believe that constructivism is about learning from working with problems hands-on. Also constructivist classrooms would be more student-centered where the teacher is more of a facilitator and the students work together to find answers and to learn.

  12. I think constructivism is a teaching style that focuses on the students involvment with learning. Students are encouraged to investigate and experience their learning rather than just reading it from a book. Constructivism is a hands on approach and is student centered.

  13. I believe that constructivism takes into account a persons own understanding of information learned. Each generating our own rules and mental configuration of the information being presented to us. As teachers we can use this to customize the curriculum based on students' prior knowledge and emphasize hands on opportunites for learning to take place.

  14. Constructivism is getting students involved. Having workshops where students can have hands on learning with the teacher monitoring. A classroom that uses constructivism is a student centered environment.

  15. I believe that constructivism is building the knowledge. Building it up from the bottom. Students are posed with a problem or situation and they use the tools they have to gain a better understanding of the concept.

    Jennifer Ruud

  16. I think constructivism is when students are working with others on hands on learning activity. The teacher is there for assistance, but the students main way of learning is through exploration.

  17. I believe that constructivism is the idea of motivating students to become an active part in their own education and the education of their peers. The teacher should create a safe, secure environment which encourages students to explore the material and become intrinsically motivated to learn and further their education.

  18. Cconstructivism is where a child makes something and the teacher guides the child's learning during the process.

  19. I believe constructivism is where the teacher guides the children rather than simply teaching them or telling them. The teachers use a more hands on approach in their classrooms. There will be groups and activities taking place. The children are allowed to explore and investigate the meaning of the material in order to gain a much better understanding. The classroom is more student centered.

  20. Constructivism allows the student to participate in more of a hands on approach to learning as opposed to learning stricly by lecture. The teacher will use a variety of activities and methods to help their students learn the material and apply it to real life situations.

  21. I believe that constructivism is more than just doing work out of the book, but by having hands on activities. I believe that teachers need to have their students do more than just worksheets, but have them do more hands on activities so that they can practice what they are learning and show what they are learning. So that they can show that they understand the concepts and methods that they are learning. The teacher needs to have hands on activities for their class, so that their class is just not sitting their working on worksheets but on activities that they can do as groups and work on together and discuss the subjects that they are working on.
    Jennifer Thiessen

  22. Constructivism to me is building on students prior knowledge using a variety of hands on activities, and as a teacher being more of a guide than an instructor.

  23. Constructivism lets the students be more in control of their learning. They can gain knowledge through hands on activities and their learning is more self controlled. The teacher is more of a helper than a dictator.

  24. I think constructivism is building on a students knowledge by providing specific activities that can enhance the child's knowledge by adding on to the child's prior knowledge.

  25. I think that constuctivism is a more student-centered active approach to learning. Versus the direct teaching which is more teach centered and the students are taking more notes. Construtivism is more hands-on, projects,and the learning is more focused on a specific area :)

  26. Constructivism is a view where learning should be an active process. The instructor should take into account the learners natural thought process and understand how to get the students involved physically and mentally with what they are learning.

  27. My idea of constructivism is hands on learning. Students become engaged in using manipulatives and explore together for answers. this could be done in small groups or pairs, peers are a great influence and working together is another way to establish a community of learners.

  28. Constructivism is a hands-on approach to learning. It allows the students more freedom to express their views in a nontraditional setting. The students have more of a say in what direction the class may take and the teachers have more of a job to guide them rather instructing them. The ultimate outcome for constructivism is to have the students become more intrinsically motivated in their studies.

  29. My thoughts about constructivism have changed over the past couple weeks due to the class discussions and text readings. I have definitely recongnized the importance of building on knowledge and experiences. Constructivism highly focuses on children giving percise and correct meaning to what they are learning and thinking about. I have also recognized the importance integrating networks and differen schemas in order to build and construct this knowledge.


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