Monday, October 29, 2007

Summary and Synthesis

The most recent work we have been doing in class with the fraction bars, pattern blocks and cuisenaire rods has really helped to shape my new understanding of mathematics using fractions. I have always been fairly decent when dealing with fractions, but until this class have never thought about common demoninators in this way. Using the manipulatives we have been using really helps focus my attention on why to use a certain denominator. As mentioned in class, I always just used factors of the two denominators to find the least common multiple. That way is probably alot faster, but does not show how or why you got the LCM. Using these manipulatives makes it clear to see how important it will be to use them with my students in the future. By having them explore fractions using them, they are able to get a visual picture of what a specific fraction means. I think this will help them to be successful at mathematics with fractions.

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