Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What is constructivism?


  1. Constructivism is a learning theory that is more focused on the learner rather than the teacher. It helps the students to contruct their own thoughts about what they are learning. The beliefs and attitudes of the student play a big part in how they learn.

  2. I believe constructivism is the state of being productive. This is your physical body being productive, but focusing on your mind, or your thought process. As you are learning new types of information your brain is taking it in and linking it with other types of information. That is when constructivism is taking place.

  3. What is constructivism? I think of the different learning theories and the psychology of education when I hear constructivism. My definition I use would be constructivism is when people construct meaning from prior knowledge that they have. This also makes me think of Piaget.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I believe that constructivism is a learning theory that connects the
    information you are learning to what you already know. Students can take previous experiences and tie them to the new knowledge that they are gaining.

  6. The first thought that comes to mind when asked what constructivism is, is that the this learning theory applies to a student's real life experiences. Over the years, this learning theory has been covered in multiple classes, and one of the most important facts that comes up about constructivism is this idea, and the fact that the theory is student centered, as apposed to other learning theories, which are more teacher centered.

  7. I had a hard time remembering what constructivism was! Here is what I think I remember. It is when teachers choose to teach students through an alternative method. Students are allowed to make a choice of how they will learn. Some students may choose to figure out a problem by using science or math or by using different learning methods.

  8. Constructivism is a method of learning. This method is where students learn by working throught the problem on their own and learning through their own experiences. They add on to what they already know and construct new knowledge based on combining what they know and what they learn.

  9. What I remember from past courses, is that constructivism is using past/prior knowledge to help in understanding with new knowledge that is currently being gained...

  10. Constructivism is the idea that a student should better be able to learn a new concept or idea using their own experience and background. As a teacher, he/she should focus on helping the students make connections to the materials as well as giving the students a chance to learn and form their own understanding of the concept.

  11. Constructivism is a way in which students learn through experience. Students are able to visualize the problem and work through it using different types of tools and procedures. Learning constructively allows students to obtain a better grasp on the material being taught and also helps to create connections between concepts and other information.

  12. Constructivism is a way of learning. Students use their background knowledge and experiences to learn new information. Teachers should help students to activate their prior knowledge to best teach students.

  13. To me constructivism is the way that some students learn. They learn new material by building on their previous experiences to make sense out of the material. These connections help them to better learn the material and make the learning more lasting.

  14. Constructivism Revised

    Constructivism is using prior knowledge and actively building upon that knowledge and skill. The instruction is concerned with experiences and contexts that make the student willing and able to learn. Instruction should also have spiral organization so it can be easily grasped by the students. Constructivism also goes beyong the information given and is designed to faciliatate extrapolation (fill in the gaps).

    Ruthie Need

  15. Constructivism to me is about students using prior knowledge to find the answer to their problem. It is a student guided learning approach. The teacher helps to assist the students by making connections between concepts and how to solve the problem. This method of teaching makes learning more memorable and lasting!

    When I hear the word "constructivsm" I first think of our Ed.Psych. class. It brings up the ideas of student-centered instruction and prior knowledge usage. It also brings up the idea of the connections students make with the materials presented. Overall, I feel that constructivism is not just an instructional approach, but a way of learning.


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