Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Insights and Their Implications

New Insights and Their Implications - What did you learn from your peers, from the instructor, and/or the readings, about elementary school students, and/or about yourself, and the teaching and learning of math and what are their implications to teaching and learning mathematics?

I was not exactly sure what to expect from this math course. I'm very used to learning math content and different approaches and methods to teach the concepts I learn, so I did expect to learn much about how I should be implimenting math instruction in the classroom. From what I've experienced so far in the course, I have realized I will be learning a very indepth approach to teaching math, and also realize I will need to be open to using different approaches, because we learn a lot about the methods that may be most appropriate for students. The instructor, in my eyes, has a very unique and new approach for teaching math in the classroom. The approach is almost nothing like what I've seen before, but seems as if it'd be very beneficial for math instruction in the classroom. The readings and assignments have been very indepth, and call for a great deal of analyzing, interpreting and using our pwn judgements and knowledge in order to work through different problems and methods. I have yet to learn a lot, but am constantly discussing with classmates about different ways to approach problems and material. I haven't learned a lot about how children are in the elementary classrooms and the types of math instruction being used currently, but I believe my knowledge in this area will become profound by the end of this course and I will be able to apply what I've learned to benfit students when giving math instruction.

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