Friday, October 3, 2008

What does it mean to "do" mathematics?

Please add your comments to this question raised by chapter 2 of Van de Walle. Comment directly to this post about what it means to be involved in "doing mathematics."


  1. "Doing" mathematics is when the person doing mathematics is involved in a process of making sense of the problem. According to Van De Walle in chapter two some verbs included in doing mathematics are the following: explore, represent, explain, investigate, formulate, predict, conjecture, discover, develop, solve, justify, construct, verify, describe, and use. To me, this means that in a classroom where mathematics are being done the students need to be doing more than simply plugging in numbers to a formula and trying to get the right answer, it means that students are discovering that formula and then figuring out how to apply them to the problems in more than just one way.

  2. To me when you hear “to do mathematics”, it means that a person is engaged at doing some form of mathematics, whether it is solving a problem, calculating, or figuring out an equation. When doing mathematics, a person is able to solve the problem and actually be able to understand how they got to that solution. When students are doing mathematics they are constantly discovering new things like, equations, calculations, and solutions.

  3. I feel that students are "doing mathematics" when they are actively engaged in a problem as well. When students "do" math they are active learners who are making meaningful connections and storing that information in their long-term memory.

  4. Doing math is something that is important for students for their future. Math is everyone around and is vital that students understand and learn these concepts as soon as possible. This is something they will use everyday of their life. Their future career may involve a great deal of this.

  5. "Doing Mathematics" means that students are actively engaged in what they are doing in the classroom when pertaining to math. Doing mathematics means that students actively participate in their thinking and reasoning skills. They understand why the got an answer instead of just how. Really doing mathematics has a deeper understanding of what math really is.

  6. What "doing mathematics" means according to Van De Walle, is that students are actively engagin in the science of pattern and order and doing mathematics is effortful and often takes alot of time. I think that in order to do math, all students, teachers, mathematicians need to be actively engaged, doing work, planning out steps that hopefully will help one to arrive to the specific answer that one is trying to reach. We should be able to reach "inside" the problem, investigate, and by doing many trial and error runs in order to come up with an answer. to actually be "doing mathematics" means to actually be doing math in a process or pattern! In essence, it sums up the materials of being actively engaged in math and the problem in itself!

  7. I think that "doing mathematics" involves not just doing the problems and coming to the answers, but actually applying the math to something in everyday life. To "do mathematics" a person needs to make sense of the problem and how they are solving it. Students need to learn how to solve problems in different ways to actually "do mathematics."

  8. I feel that "doing mathematics" involves thought processes much deeper than with math alone. As a student, it is hard to find the answer alone sometimes, however, this helps me to really think about what is going on and really interpret all I have learned and put it together. A problem with education today is we give homework and give answers, there isn't much work going beyond that with the teachers nor the students, by making each other work harder, we are all getting smarter. When I take time to think about how some problems relate to every day life, I realize its importance and therefore remember it. Overall, the key word is "doing" which means to work at it until you come up with a solution that works, maybe more than one.

  9. I feel that doing math involves the student to be actively involved in the process. It isn't about memorizing the steps to solve a problem but rather to know why these steps are used and to correctly use them. Students shouldn't be given the steps and a bunch of problems; instead they need to work with the problem and figure out what needs to be done. When they are working like this, they are actually doing math and learning math. They are making the connections they need to understand the concept and apply it to many situations.

  10. "Doing Mathematics" can be interpreted many ways, but I feel that it is a statement of how students are actively engaged in mathematical concepts or problems. Students can participate in mathematics by making connections with what they already know to what they are learning. The concept of doing mathematics is a way to describe how students explore and investigate various problems within mathematics. Educators need to implement the knowledge it takes to understand mathematics and with that students need to take what they know and understand and construct meaningful answers to their problems.

  11. Doing mathematics is important to get the students actively involved with the process of learning. Students need to connect what they are learning and the world around them to create generalization and the knowledge they uptain will be remebered for a long time. Students become more active learners then they become better thinkers and problem solvers. Making sure that the students are aware that there is more than one way to do a problem and not corner them into traditional thinking and not letting them expand their knowledge in that protion of mathematics

  12. Doing mathematics is being engaged in the pattern and order of it. Math takes time and the answer is not always easy to find, it requires some effort. Mathematics is not drill and practice, it is understanding. It is making sense and figuring out. Students who are engaged in mathematics and are actually "doing" it, not just coming up with an answer to a problem, are making sense of the activity and critically thinking in order to figure it out.

  13. “To do mathematics,” this means to me that a student or any person is engaged at doing any form of math. This could include problem solving, learning a theorem, of figuring out a certain equation. When doing math, a student or person is, by working through the problem, is focusing, learning and better understanding that solution. When students are doing math I think that they are really discovering new things, things that they may not even know and are really seeing things for a first time even if maybe they have come across it before.

  14. "Doing mathematics" is a concept that should be used more often. The concept of doing mathematics is one that means you are getting involved in the problem, not just finding a generic answer. Also doing mathematics involves students interacting with the problem and comingup with the answer in unique ways. By actually doing mathematics students better understand the concepts

  15. "Doing Mathematics" means that you are indulging in the subject. You are not afraid to be wrong, or have to start something over. The most important part of "doing mathematics" is being involved and active in trying to find a solution to your problem by working actively towards a solution. This is done by interaction, communication and problem-solving. The key to this concept is understand math by taking risks, not just memorizing or repeating information.

  16. I think 'doing mathematics' means being an active participant in the problem-solving or decision-making processes. I think that a student who is 'doing math' is not only plugging numbers into a formula but also understanding why he or she is doing that and how that formula works. I think that students should be making sense of the problem and understanding what he or she needs to do to solve it. I think 'doing math' is a very interactive approach and encourages interaction and communicaiton.

  17. I think "doing mathematics" means actually working with the problem and why you do a certain formula not just performing a formula to find an answer and not really understand why you use that formula or why that works out. It also means communicating to others what you have accomplished to see if there are other ways to get to an answer besides the way you found out, doing mathematics is more like exploring mathematics.

  18. Doing mathematics means getting involved with what you are learning. Students need to be active learners. To actually do mathematics, they should apply information to relevant situations. Students should know why they do certain things instead of only knowing to do math a certain way. They should be able to try mathematical problems on their own and then compare their methods Mathematics should be a hands on activity rather than an uninvolved one where you just listen to what is said by the instructor.

  19. "Doing Mathematics" means being engaged in mathematics whenever possible. If a student is learning a concept,they need to be actively engaged. It is crucial that they know why they got their answer and how. It is also important that they are active in finding different ways to get their solutions. Students need to try to refrain from finding a formula, putting in the numbers, and getting their answer with no knowledge of why it is correct.

  20. To do math is to explore the steps and content involved in the mathematical process. It is no longer about memorizing formulas and finding the one solution. Students now are being taught many different aspects of math in ways that will help them to not only remember what they are doing, but to logically apply what they have learned to novel situations. Also, students are learning creative ways of coming to an answer, and though it may be incorrect, they are still encouraged to explore math. There are so many students who will benefit from this new way of thinking about math.

  21. I think "doing mathematics" is engaging in mathematics. Doing mathematics is finding the correct answer and working towards solving and constructing an answer even if it isn't right the first time. When "doing mathematics" one has to often make sense and figure out problems on one’s own regardless how difficult the problem may be.
    For a number of students, doing mathematics in the classroom is a hard concept because they don't want to work towards discovering the answer. They want the answer to be told to them and they feel math is "work". We as teachers need to develop a new way to "do mathematics". This class is teaching us a new constructivist approach to teaching and "doing mathematics" in the classroom. We have to remember to tell our students that they can make sense and "do mathematics"!

  22. Wednesday, October 8, 2008
    What does it mean to "do mathematics"?
    When students are doing math they are engaging in the science of pattern and order. The students are exploring and explaining different ways that they used to come up with the answer to the problem. They are making sense of and figuring out the problem. The environment also has to be one where math is not threatening and every student is respected for their ideas.
    Posted by BritanyG at 10/08/2008 02:50:00 PM


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