Thursday, January 29, 2009

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

One of my concerns is using the standards correctly and aligning them with and activity that will benefit my students and engage them in learning, but also align to the standards. I think that the discussion we had in class today about aligning to the standards and using the many tools that are available to teachers will help greatly when trying to match assignments to standards. I am still concerned and curious about a couple of things. The standardized tests that we take are aligned to our state standards, what happens if the tests change and they match the national standards, but no teacher is covering those because they are not "supposed" to. After the discussion today I am worried that many of the students either aren't being challenged enough according to our standards or many teachers are still teaching to the test/text and finding the closest standard and matching it to their lesson.
As a new teacher I feel that I will use both sets of standards because I realize how important it is to include both. This will take more time when preparing a lesson, but I feel in the end it will benefit my students. I am concerned about those teachers that don't feel the same way, how will their students fair when the tests change or if the tests change will our standards change so we can still be "teaching to the test"? I did gain allot through class today, and I think that that is what has caused me to realize how important incorporating more than just the state standards into the lesson is. But, whether or not the tests will change along with the standards or if we will ever be required to document both sets of standards still concerns me and makes me wonder what will happen in the coming months before I begin teaching.

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