Friday, January 23, 2009

What is constructivism?

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  1. Constructivism is a theory that believes that students learn by relating new materials to past experiences. Teachers should try relating new materials to what the students have alread learned. By doing this, the students are able to link the new material to already learned material, which in turn makes learning much easier. Piaget was the first to discover this theory and he believed that educators should teach by connecting what students already know to what they will be learning.

  2. I think that constructivism is when teachers use their students past experiences to relate to the new content material that they are covering in the lesson. This will help the students make connections with the new material by relating it to their prior knowledge. That is what I think constructivism is and I also think that it should be used within the classroom because it can help students remember the content better if they have something to relate it to.

  3. Constructivism is a theory where students actively make their own meaning to what is learned by connecting existing knowledge to new information. It is important as teachers to be able to activate this prior knowledge because it may impact how students learn and remember. Constructivism involves knowing a child's zone of proximal development and bring them slightly above what they already know.

  4. Constructivism means to construct knowledge and meaning from your own experiences. Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in.

  5. Constructivism is a theory where teachers activate students' prior knowledge by making connections to what they already know to what they will be learning throughout the class. This is important because when students are able to make connections to the material it's easier to learn versus memorizing and then forgetting it all.

  6. Constructivism is a learning theory that supports the idea that students learn best through experiences that allow them to build their own knowledge and connect it to what they already know. The teacher's role in a contructivist classroom is to set up situations and experiences for the students to work through cooperatively with peers, to help students make connections between the new material and their prior knowledge, and to offer support through scaffolding. In order to follow a constructivist approach, teachers need to encourage students to be actively involved in the learning process.

  7. Constructivism is the ability to continue to add new material and build off of previous knowledge. You continualy connect new material to old material. You can use constructivism to teach. Connect the knowledge you are giving to students to things they know and can use. This makes the learning easier.

  8. I believe constructivism is when teachers activate their student’s background knowledge when they are teaching. The students then are able to learn by their own experience. The classroom is less teacher-centered and more student-centered. The students in the class are able to learn by doing and are able to have a voice in the classroom.

  9. Constructivism Traci Ellis

    What is Constructivism?
    Constructivism is a learning theory developed by John Piaget. I would define constructivism as, a process of building on student’s prior knowledge in order to construct new meaning. This happens when students are active learners and are able to connect new information to their prior knowledge through hands-on activities and their own personal experiences.

  10. I believe that constructivism is a theory on how people learn. It is a way of learning through taking charge of what is put in front of you and understanding the material in many ways. It allows you to take your prior knowledge and apply it to the new matieral to make connections and build upon that experience with others. Hands-on activities and other active learning is required for this learning to take place.

  11. Constructivsm Jenna Noteboom

    What is constructivism?
    I think that constructivism is a theory about how students learn. In constructivism, the student makes connections with new material based on their prior knowledge. One way teachers can help students learn is by letting them be actively engaged in learning through hands-on projects so that students can create meaning and connect new information to what they already know.

  12. Constructivism is the philosophy of relating new materials to past experiences. This helps individuals learn new information because it is personal to them. When individuals access their prior knowledge and then relate it to the new material they are more likely to remember that information.

  13. I believe constructivism is a student-centered approach to learning. Constructivism is a theory teachers use for instruction. It means that student learning takes place through hands on experiences and everyday learning. The main idea of constructivism is that the classroom is focused on the students and how they learn best.

  14. What is constructivism?
    Constructivism is a learning theory on how students learn. I believe constructivism is that students construct the knowledge themselves. As the students construct meaning, they learn. Students learn through real life hands on experiences. Students take the information they already know and experiment with situations and learn from the results of the situations.

  15. Constructivism
    Nate Kreifels

    What is Constructivism?
    January 28, 2009
    As of right now I know very few details related to constructivism. My definition of constructivism would be, a learning theory in which background knowledge as well as past experiences is used to understand something. Other than that I basically am not sure what constructivism all entails. I look forward to learning more in class.

  16. Constructivism is the idea of teaching student by adding on to their previous knowledge. The new knowledge should not just be givin to students plain and simply, but is should be added and connected to things and ideas that the students already know. The new knowledge should be constructed with the old knowledge.

  17. Constructivism is a theory in which students learn. People use past and future experiences to learn new ideas and concepts. Teachers can allow their student to be actively involved by having them become accountable for their own work.

  18. Constructivism is a method of teaching students that expands on their previous knowledge and experiences. Making connections between the new material and the students previous knowledge has proven to help the students relate and develop their knowledge to the new material.

  19. Constructivism is a student centered approach of learning. It accesses students prior knowledge and helps them to connect to new material.

  20. Constructivism---Kelli Leander
    I believe that constructivism is related to each child’s perspective upon the content being taught. I think that the learning emphasis is directly related to child’s own experiences. As a child builds upon new knowledge it is through the student’s past experiences upon how that information is perceived, retained, and used. I also believe that constructivism is a working progress it broad product that is continually being changed and built upon for understanding. Constructivism is teacher guided and open ended as that students are continually constructing new meaning based upon past experiences.

  21. Constructicism is building on students prior knowledge and student centered learning. Student use the information they already know to learn and experience new things.

  22. From what I remember, it is an learning theory that deals with epistemology (study of knowledge) which tries to answer the question of "how do we know what we know?". Constructivism, at least my understanding of it, states that knowledge of an object is constructed by an individual based on experiences with that object. I believe that there are different "types" of constructivism. I remember reading one constructivist...Von Glaserfield (spelling may not be correct) who thought that knowledge was purely subjective and had no objective value. If this is a foundational view, and I'm not saying that it is, of constructivism then I am most definitly what could be labeled as an objectivist (meaning that knowledge has objective value and is not purely subjective).


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