Saturday, February 28, 2009

Summary and Synthesis

I have learned a lot from math methods, since we started this course. The newest topic I learned about was fractions. I never knew how I missed out on when I was kid. I thought all kids learned fractions the same way, but by learning them in a way of halves and that's it, it doesn't help them in the end. Teachers need to help students construct the idea of fractional parts of the whole and equal-sized portions or fair shares. By teaching these two concepts first students will gain a better understanding of fractions. To teach these two concepts teachers should begin with sharing tasks when developing lessons about fractions. These are just a couple of the things that I have learned so far. In class we were also talking about 6 important steps that we need to know. In class we did not get through all six, but I am looking forward to learning more about fractions. Another things that I have learned from the lesson this week was how many magazines there are for teacher to get resources to help teach concepts such as fractions. In the magazines there are so many manipulatives that teachers can buy to help students better understand the concept of fractions. I am glad we were able to keep the magazines we received in class because it will be a good resource for me when I become a teacher. Fractions is a tough topic to understand for some students, but with the right help from teachers and from the the use of manipulatives learning fractions can be fun.

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