Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Insights and their Implications

Learning about Cognitively Guided Instruction has really helped me to understand how I can apply the math techniques we are learning to my own classroom. Reading about the CGI classroom was very helpful to realize the importance of the student's learning process and how a teacher needs to take that into consideration. It was very helpful to watch the video of the two different classrooms to see how those teachers integrated CGI into their classrooms. It is helpful learning about it in class and reading about it in our textbook, but it was nice to see a real classroom and be able to see how it all works. I think the CGI approach is one that I strongly believe in and I think it will benefit my students as long as I incorporate it the right way. I also think that reading the article written by Ashlock was very helpful. I never really thought about how important it is to notice not just that your students are getting answers wrong, but why they are getting answers wrong. Working on the error patterns from Ashlock's book really helped me get a hands on experience to start noticing student's error patterns and being able to recognize them so in turn you can provide activities or strategies for them that will help them to overcome these errors. I think Ashlock's book has a lot of valuable information in it and I look forward to reading it and learning more about strategies that I can incorporate into my future classroom.

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