Friday, September 18, 2009

New Insights and Their Implications

Since the beginning of this class, the main idea that I have learned is how to teach math. Growing up I was taught math, but ALL my teachers taught me the same way. They would present the problem, do an example on the board, and make us do like 15 for practice. However, since being in the class I have come to understand there is another way to teach math. If more students were able to understand math, by struggling through math problems and using their own solutions then math would not be a scary subject like it is now.
Another insight I have really learned a lot about through this class is standards. Before coming to this class, I though of standards as state standards and that is the only information I NEED to worry about teaching. However, once again I was wrong. When I teach, I need to look at National as well as State standards. If I look at both, as well as APPLY both it will allow my students to score better on tests, and dig deeper into certain material, rather than of the idea of "a mile wide and an inch deep."
The last insight I have really learned from this class already is the wording and choosing standards. With the exanple we did in class, it allowed me to realize to choose one or two standards and teach those, rather than trying to teach seven different standards as one time. In addition, I need to research the meaning of the words in the standards and not just use my defination of them.
I have learned about myself that I am closed minded when it comes to math. I was always taught a certain way, that I assumed if I ever taught math that would be the right way to do it; however, I need to be more open to math and allow my students the opportunity to struggle, learn from others, as well as from the teacher.

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