Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summary and Synthesis

ELED 330 has given me a different insight on helping a student understand and utilize the different methods of math. My philosophy is understanding math from the beginning or early years helps the student to to have a better understanding as he or she goes along. Understanding numbers and the relationships between numbers will help as the student progresses on to algebra. Developing a good foundation requires the understanding and in addition, practicing those methods will help also. Through my experience in math classes, I have learned there are more then one way to solve a problem and the way the instructor teaches his or her way may not be the easiest way for the student. Allowing the student to have multiple ways of solving a problem and taking the task on himself, gives a better hands-on understanding of solving the problem, working independently and developing additional skills and strategies. If a student falls behind in their elementary years without any additional guidance, math only gets harder and the student will not be able to understand and proceed with his or her peers.
The Teaching Problem Solving criteria we touched on was beneficial to me because of the breakdown taught on solving a problem or situation. Thinking logically, reasoning, and understanding the concept, and organizing that part of thinking will help to enable the resolution of the problem. Symbols, charts, and graphs can also deepen their understanding of the concept of math and sometimes visual representation is a key to their understanding. Having multiple strategies to solve a variety of problems enhances the student's ability and to reflect on his or her past experience of problem solving techniques and helps to choose what works best in solving a problem or task.

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