Friday, November 5, 2010

Cognitively Guided Instruction

Cognitively Guided Instruction has fallen in line with the rest of the ideas that we have discussed throughout the semester. Having the student showcase their skills and ideas for approaching a problem and figuring it is far different than what I have been exposed to in the past. Rather than focusing on what the student cannot do, the teacher needs to find out what they can do and work backward from the student's problem in order to help them develop the skill necessary to solve the problem. With this program, we have discussed again that the teaching really needs to be student centered and they need to find ways to figure out the problem or strategy.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, what a great way of looking at teaching CGI. I hadn't thought of looking at what the student can do and working backwards. I think that having classes being student cenetered will allow the students to gain more from math and will be able to build on the concepts.


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