Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

This class has been great in showing me a new style of teaching that I have never seen before. I do have some concerns with it though.  The Project Based Learning is very new to me so I am not completely comfortable with it quite yet.  My concern is that there is only a month and a half left in the semester and I don't know if I will feel comfortable enough to use this type of teaching in my classroom when I am student teaching.  One way that I am going to try and solve this is look at the book that is provided for the class.  My group has been preparing to present our lesson next week and when we have been preparing, it has made me realize that the book has a lot of great activities to use for all grade levels.  Another concern that I have is that I do not really love this style of teaching.  I have always been a "math person".  After taking this course, it has made me look at the subject area in a different way.  The way that I am going to try and solve this concern is to be open-minded. I know that every student is not like me and does not like the "old way" of doing math.  The "new way" of math may work for some students and teachers need to accomodate for every student that is in their classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I am also not completely comfortable with Project Based Learning. I am not familiar with it. I am also concerned that I am not going to have enough time to familiarize myself with it and become comfortable with this way of teaching. I agree that it is important to keep a positive outlook on it. Researching it and practicing can help us become more familiar with it. I hope that I can become comfortable with teaching this way.


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