Sunday, April 17, 2011

How has this course changed or not changed your perceptions of teaching math?

This course has definitely changed my perceptions of teaching math. Before taking this class, I always thought that maybe it wouldn't be so hard to teach math to young children. I have now realized that it can be quite the process. There is a huge difference between children understanding math symbolically and children understanding math conceptually. I have learned how important it is to gain a conceptual understanding of math. We need to understand why we do what we do. When I learned math, I learned it the symbolic way. It was easy for me to understand, but I know that will not be the case for all children. Some students will need further instruction when it comes to math and will need to be taught in different ways to fully understand math. I feel as though this class has changed my perception of teaching math in a good way. Sometimes this class was frustrating because I had a difficult time understanding some concepts; but I definitely understand now why the strategies that we did were important. Gaining a conceptual understanding of math and using manipulatives is extremely important and I plan on teaching students math in this way.

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