Friday, October 21, 2011

Summary and Synthesis

In yesterday's class we learn how to show our process on dividing fractions. I can easily divide fractions given a problem and using the method that the group showed in class. When it comes to teaching students how to divide fractions I am not sure I was aware how to show the process to students. After their lesson, I had some ideas and realized that this may be helpful to me in a special ed classroom. I like how Dr. Reins shows us the manipulatives during his lesson and can give us different ways to teach different concepts. I am going to have to show my students how to get to the answer or break the problem for them to understand it. Especially in a resource room I am going to need as many ideas as I can get because not everyone learns or understands the same way. The class is fairly fast paced and it is still sometimes difficult for me to grasp the concepts right away, but after some extra time I begin to understand more fully what exactly the processes are.

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