Monday, March 31, 2008

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers - Questions raised as a result of the experiences and your personal thoughts on a solution/answer to your question. (These could be inquisitive questions, musings, wonderment questions, or future research questions.)
My partner and I have been continually working on our LPU. One question that has come up is how detailed does the lesson script actually get? We have looked at previous LPU's and there is a wide-range. Some students described almost everything and others kept the script concise. How in-depth should they truly be?
I know what I DO NOT want as an answer for this question (ex) "It should be however long you think it should be or take."). The reason being is that this kind of answer will not help me. I am confused by how much actually should be typed into this section of the LPU or what main characteristics this section needs to have. Does anyone have any solutions or suggestions from they have already done on their LPU or are planning to do? Let me know! Thanks!-Kristin

New Insights and Their Implications

During this class we have worked with different types of manipulatives that I have not been in contact with before. I remember working with rods but not the many different types that we have encountered in class: Cuisenaire rods, pattern blocks, etc. I have learned that it is important to provide many different options for students to be able to learn fractions. I do not have fond memories of learning fractions when in elementary school myself but now I think that it would be easier if students were presented with the many different manipulatives and strategies to find the solution to fraction problems.
Reading the blue CGI book has also presented many different ideas to work with in the classroom. I never knew that the CGI program even existed before reading the book. I never realized that problems needed to be categorized even within the category of the type of problem, for example addition having the different types. From reading the book I now know that it is important to have a variety of different problem types and structures. Also, the foundations of a CGI program are things that I would like to be able to incorporate into a math class that I may have in the future. Through this method I believe students would learn best. It would definitely have been better than some of the math classes that I have had.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Summary & Synthesis

During the last month we have been talking about fraction concepts, which is definitely not my favorite subject but I feel I have learned a lot through the class activities. I think many children don't like dealing with fractions because of the way they were taught and they don't have the relational understanding as to why it must be done the way it is. This class has shown me a variety of ways to learn and understand fractions, yet our schools are all teaching in the same manner, it doesn't make much sense to me. I really liked using the pattern blocks and cuisenaire rods to complete those worksheets because I could see how the problems made sense instead of just completing the problem in the way I was taught. I think many students enjoy working with manipulatives but teachers need to ensure that that is not the only way students can solve problems, they need to reach the symbolic stage of working. I was a little confused when using the dot paper to solve fraction problems but I can see how it may be beneficial for some students.
I really like the blue CGI book that we are reading because although I have used these types of problems and can teach it, I didn't realize that each strategy has a name. The error patterns book that we did some problems out of was also really neat and gives some great ideas for helping struggling students. It seems like the past month we have been doing a lot more hands-on activities that could easily be used in the classroom and I feel like I get a better understanding of the concepts by doing these activities.

New Insights and Their Implications

What did you learn from your peers, from the instructor, and/or the readings, about elementary school students, and/or about yourself, and the teaching and learning of math and what are their implications to teaching and learning mathematics?

While we have begun our foray into writing the lesson plan for understanding, I have learned a lot about myself. This lesson is very difficult for me to write because I want to fall back into my comfort zone and the way I have always been taught. In writing this lesson, I know it is more beneficial to my students and their learning to use the approach that we have learned thus far in class. While old habits die hard, new and improved ideas are popping out of my head. I am using and adapting the ways that I was taught into my new way of thinking.

Kami and I are working together to create a lesson for the order of operations. I distinctly remember my teacher writing the order on the board, making us copy it, and then telling us we had to memorize it. We were to use what we memorized (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally) to complete different problems in assignments and test now and in the future. She never explained why we had to use them and why specifically in that order. It was just something we were expected to know. In our lesson, we have realized that we need to let students discover the order (Thanks Dr. Reins) on their own and also the importance of knowing why they have to do it. We have looked into a variety of sources and our just now discovering the why's. Hopefully our students will not have to wait ten or more years to discover this.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Summary and Synthesis

So, I found myself pushing outside of my confort zone and attempting to use and look for ways to incorporate construvism within my teaching philosophy. Working with my partner on the LPU, I have found myself working hard and trying to use this approach. It does take a lot more time, however, as a student I found that learning this way is effective. Each day in class when are taught using this approach the concepts sort of stick in my head. Even taking the Praxis, I used some of the information we learned. I know how to find the area of different objects because I learned the process of developing the formula instead of just memorizing the formula! I found that part of the exam to be less stressful because the way I view math and math problems has changed.
I also find myself applying this approach in science. With all the reflecting we do with reading and daily activities, I can see the transfer of teaching this way into science also. I'm not exactly sure how to apply this to other content areas but its cool to see how it can be used in science too. As much as I complain and whine, I know this class will have a big impact on my teaching ability, strategies, and overall philosophy.

Questions and Answers

My partner and I have been working on our lpu and it has raised a few questions.  First, do teachers really have to write lesson plans that are like our lpu assignment?  Do teachers mostly get their lessons out of the teachers’ manual and follow that or do they write their own lesson plans?  The past few days we have been working on our lpu and it seems me a teacher should take ideas out of the teachers’ manuals, but have the main ideas and activities be their own.  It maybe difficult and time consuming to write lesson plans as multifaceted as we are, but I feel the students will get a lot out of our lesson plan. 

As I have been looking through 5th grade teachers’ manuals I have noticed that there are worksheets for different leveled math students.  My question is when handing out a worksheet for homework do you give each student a different worksheet, one that has questions that fits the level they are at, or do you give everyone the same worksheet.  I don’t ever remember not having the same worksheet as my classmates when I was in grade school. 



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Questions and Answers!

I am interning in Yankton, SD in the Special Education room and find the view point of this class and the view point of the SPED classroom to be clashing. We are learning how to be constructists teachers, in which we help students obtain knowledge, in Math Concepts. In the SPED classroom they do direct instruction where the answers are practically handed to them on a silver platter. My question is can the constructivist way of teaching be modified for SPED students or do I need to stick with direct instruction? I comtimplated this idea for awhile and even talked with my intern instructor at Yankton Middle School. She told me that most SPED students do not have the patient's or background knowledge to be able to use the constructivst way of teaching. She than preceeded to metion that if they had been started out learning in that way they probably would be able to now, but since direct instruction is the easiest and only way they have been shown than introducing something like that now would only be a set back. It makes me sad that these students are being pushed along and forced to memorize information just of pass the standarize testing. Anyway, I kind of would like you thoughts on this!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Summary and Synthesize

Over the past month, I have really come to understand what I need to do in order to teach math effectively. First of all, it can be said the the majority of us in this class (not all, but a lot) came into this class with strong dislike of math. I myself have always disliked math and struggled with many concepts. What this class has taught me thus far is that students can NOT continue to come out of math instruction feeling this way. We as educators need to adapt to the new methods of math instruction that we are being taught and implement them into our classrooms even if we are planning on teaching lower grades. The traditional mathmatics approaches that we have been taught are not effective and we (myself included) are all the perfect example of this. I now understand why I struggle with some math concepts, because I was just given a concept and I memorized how to do it (or at least that's what I want to think). I enjoy learning new ways to teach different concepts, and have taught myself to keep an open mind with learning new techniques. I have finally come to terms with the idea that teaching math traditionally is not going to work. I will be cheating my students. The things we have learned about fractions has really helped me with the idea of not teaching traditionally. I honestly can say that I have never thought about fractions this way, and I hope that I will continue to see ways to teach students the right way.

New Insights and Their Implications

What did you learn from your peers, from the instructor, and/or the readings, about elementary school students, and/or about yourself, and the teaching and learning of math and what are their implications to teaching and learning mathematics?

Recently in class, we have been working with a variety of manipulatives to assist in student understanding of various concepts. Prior to our working with manipulatives, we were to read an article by Deborah Ball entitled, Magical Hopes: Manipulatives and the Reform of Math Education. She begins the article by discussion a particular situation in which she has asked educators what they would do in a situation regarding student exploration about even and odd numbers. Many of the educators responded by asking whether or not manipulatives had been used prior to the student presenting their ideas. Educators, on the majority, also suggested that manipulatives be used to help further student discussion. Ball's point in mentioning what educators said is that many have the misconceptions that manipulatives are the answer for EVERYTHING! She continues on to state that the difficulty in educator's relying on manipulatives is in their misinterpretation of the standards. There is a clear discrepancy in what the standards say and what educators say with regard to "concrete objects" as vehicles for teaching and learning.

Due to reading this article and my experience in our class using manipulatives, it has made me much more aware of how educators are actually using them in the classroom. I recently observed a teacher using Base Ten Blocks (ex. shown above in yellow) to help a student understand addition of three digit numbers. As I sat and watched, I wondered whether or not having the student use the manipulatives was really helping to reinforce what the teacher wanted the student to learn. It seemed as though the student was able to understand the concept when using the blocks, but when it came time to solve the problem on paper, the student struggled. I feel that this is a clear example of the disconnect that we have talked about in class between differing understandings.


P.S.) I hope everyone has a wonderful week and safe SPRING BREAK!

Summary and Synthesize

This class has brought forth new ideas for dealing with fractions and the explanation of why certain techniques are used. I knew how to work with fractions but when asked in class I was not sure why I was doing some of the things that I was doing to solve fractions. I even answered some questions with “because they told me to”. Discussions in class helped me to realize that I need to know why certain rules exist and that sometimes you can come up with your own method that will work. I knew to find the LCM when adding and subtracting fractions but I never knew why that was the way to do it. Working the different manipulatives in class helped me to learn why we use that process. I know now that having students work through these different ideas on their own is important because then they will understand a concept better. I do believe that working through these methods has helped to improve my understanding and my belief that I can help others understand. I am worried that I may not be positive of the best methods to teach with the manipulatives.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

I have grasped every concept to date with a little reviewing and rereading of troublesome areas.  Some concepts have been learned very easy, while others were definitely a struggle.  When we started working with manipulatives such as: the paper fraction strips and pattern blocks I was lost somewhere out in left field.  I could not see how using fraction strips were any help to solving a problem and if anything it made it harder.  I was having a hard time getting from concrete work to symbolic work.  I tried to use the semi-concrete model, but I was struggling!  During the next class period we continued our discuss on using manipulatives and we went through the session notes and Dr. Reins put a new spin on learning with manipulatives.  We used the pattern blocks again but we added the Cuisenaire rods and to my astonishment it all came together for me.  This may seem somewhat meaningless, but I took a lot out of this experience.  I learned that not every student is going to understand what I am talking about, and that I may have to take a little extra time and teach a concept multiple ways before every student understands.  I now see how manipulatives can really impact a students learning techniques in a positive way.  
Deanna Smith

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

Coming in to the class, I prepared myself to be faced with even more math concepts, but looked forward to learning how I could actually apply some of the concepts I knew already and new ones I gathered, in the classroom. After going through a couple of sessions, I realized this math class would require me to know large amounts of information, being able to understand how to complete math problems as well as how to teach them. When I came in to this class, I felt I would maybe be given much more insight and comprehension about the teaching aspect of math, but like others have said, I feel like I am just re learning and learning new math concepts. Some concerns of mine deal with the knowledge from the book. When taking the quizzes and reading from the book, I feel like I am learning about students and how they learn, therefore, becoming knowledgeable about how to teach students math. I wish we could focus more on this type of content. I do enjoy, after having gone through a session and going over concepts I've done previously, having the feeling something "clicks" and the light bulb goes on. I feel like this type of epiphany actually will benefit when teaching math, but only if I am performing each step precisely and understanding how I got to the solution in the problem. I hope to learn more about the teaching aspect of math in the classroom as this class goes on. It'd be extremely useful to have more practice with lesson plans.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

I really enjoy math but I am becoming really confused on how to teach it. I am placed in an eighth grade math class for internship, but it seems so different from what I am being taught. I read it on someone else’s blogspot, and I agree with there statement that I feel like I am learning math all over again and not how to teach it. Maybe I am not seeing the connection from what we are doing to how to teach math. How should I transfer this information to teaching math? I am kind of scared to teach math, but then I go to my internship and it gives me some confidence again.
I am kind of worried about my test. I think I well but on the other hand I am not so sure. I think I had most concepts down but then applying them to the test makes me wonder if I really understood them. I do appreciate the time that you gave for the test. I finished in class but with the thought of the extra time kind of gave me a little relief. There just to be so much information that I needed to know and understand for the test. I know I had notes but they were only there for a little help. I needed to understand the concepts of the notes, and to a point I did. I do appreciate the use of the notes because they did allow me to go back and re-look and understand some of the material again. I hope I did well on the test.

Personal Concerns & Next Steps

First off...I am terrified of math and then at times I love it, that is if I know how to find the correct answer. I can't make up my mind as to whether I have a firm grasp on this constructivist approach. When I did the worksheet on the polygons I had it all down to the key. Then I took the polygon quiz and got so worried about time and the length that I did not do as well as I should have. I was so happy that we got to re-take it. I did amazing compared to before and I believe the atmosphere and not having a time pressure made all the difference. I also felt this way with the midterm as I know others have as well. I was not sure what to expect. I tried reviewing all the modules and sessional notes that I printed off but it was too much information to look I ended up not making it all the way through the notes. Dr. Reins was right, even though you can use your notes be sure to study ahead of time. While I was taking the midterm in class I began to panic at all the detail, tricky questions, length, and time limit of the test. I began to panic as I looked up at the clock tick and know I would not be able to finish. Then I started to cry right after I handed in my test. Yes, I cried. (I am way too sensitive.) I had this gigantic feeling that I was going to fail this class. It also did not help that I am a slow test taker and get very distracted by pencil tapping, etc. As most of you already know I usually do not take exams in the classroom. However; this is the only class I did not get my accommodation signed for because my friend (in the cohort above us) told us the tests are take-home and I did not think I would need it. So my next step is to get my accommodation signed and have a proctor for the next test. Also, I will be sure to review the notes in more detail before an exam (especially the modules.) Back to the midterm. It was very difficult and I felt like there were many trick and in depth questions. I totally felt the whole constructivist approach being placed in front of me but did not know how to go about to answering the questions. It was a very different form of assessment than I have ever experienced before. I now know what the tests will be like and will be able to better prepare myself next time. 

Questions oh Questions

As we continue to go through our math class and each class we try to understand the new way of teaching math, I have to question whether or not I will be able to do it. I am still feeling very apprehensive about teaching math. I feel like right now I am learning math all over again and feeling like I'm not learning HOW to teach it. What can I do to transfer this information from not just learning this but to HOW to teach it? This is where I am struggling.
I know that this new approach is all about getting students to think for themselves and for them to be able to develop the concepts, but sometimes I just wish for a lesson or two, it could be laid out to us that "this is how you should do it". I don’t mean every lesson but I just do not feel prepared what-so-ever right now to teach math and I would like to be the best teacher I can be, in EVERY subject. I will continue to work hard at trying to learning the best I can, which is the only thing I can do right now!

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

I know for this blog that we are not allowed to vent, but I did want to bring up the difficulty of the midterm. I know I wasn’t the only one who thought it was tricky and walked out after the test thinking, Wow that was really confusing! I did think it was very nice of Dr. Reins to allow us more time to finish the test. He could have just said ok that is all the time you get and now I am going to grade it even if you didn’t finish it. Everyone tests at a different rate. I am one of those people that need an enormous amount of time to take a test, especially one like that. Also, I do think it is very kind of Dr. Reins to let us use are books and binder, but the information we have learned over the past few months and all the print outs that we have been given is a tad much. I just don’t understand why he can’t give us a little bit of a heads up on what to study for. Again, I am one of those people who will want to study everything unless I get some amount of feedback on what to focus on. As for the future, I don’t see why it would hurt if you (Dr. Reins) just gave us some points to focus on.
In addition, about the first quiz that we took. I didn’t do too well, especially when one of my points got taken away after it had been corrected. I do think that it is a great idea when teachers/professors let their students make it up. It gives the student a second chance to improve their score, and allows the teacher some insight on if the student really understands the content being learned. Plus, I liked how the second quiz was similar to the first quiz that helped me out a lot. Actually now that I have taken it a second time I know I did a lot better and feel more confident on my grade. If we have this opportunity every time I won’t be so fearful that I am going to fail the class.

Summary and Synthesis

Over the last month I have discovered a lot of things about math that I had never really thought about before. This class has shown me just how willing I was to learn whatever the teacher told me without really thinking about why this math worked. I always just figured as long as I understood the method that the teacher told me to use and got the correct answer than I didn't really have to think about why this worked.
In the last month we had been learning about areas. We started out with simple areas that we already knew, like the rectangle and triangle. We then branched out into more complicated figures. We found ways that we could use what we already knew from these two figures and combine our knowledge for these figures, some of which we did not even know the names of. We were pushed to find how to use our previous knowledge on these new figures. In the end we were able to generate our own formulas to use on figures to find their areas.
One thing that I thought was important about our using this knowledge was that many of us knew the formula for rectangles and triangles already, some people even remembered the formulas for other shapes. So our knowledge was very different from the students that we are going to have to teach in the future. To me this meant that at some point we are going to have to tell students some formulas.
Pick's theorem was an interesting assignment. I really struggled to find the relationship between the formulas I was able to find, but once I was able to find the correct connections that they each have I was able to really see how I could apply this formula in other cases.
I really liked the assignment for finding the formula of a quadrilateral. I thought this really helped me to see the process that students would have to go through to understand this information. I also thought that, while at the beginning it was difficult for me, once I just concentrated on it I was able to understand the information and would be able to relate the information to students to help them understand.
Overall, I learned a lot this month. I really think that its really imporant for me to understand these concepts in order to make me a better teacher.