Monday, March 31, 2008
Questions and Answers
My partner and I have been continually working on our LPU. One question that has come up is how detailed does the lesson script actually get? We have looked at previous LPU's and there is a wide-range. Some students described almost everything and others kept the script concise. How in-depth should they truly be?
I know what I DO NOT want as an answer for this question (ex) "It should be however long you think it should be or take."). The reason being is that this kind of answer will not help me. I am confused by how much actually should be typed into this section of the LPU or what main characteristics this section needs to have. Does anyone have any solutions or suggestions from they have already done on their LPU or are planning to do? Let me know! Thanks!-Kristin
New Insights and Their Implications
Reading the blue CGI book has also presented many different ideas to work with in the classroom. I never knew that the CGI program even existed before reading the book. I never realized that problems needed to be categorized even within the category of the type of problem, for example addition having the different types. From reading the book I now know that it is important to have a variety of different problem types and structures. Also, the foundations of a CGI program are things that I would like to be able to incorporate into a math class that I may have in the future. Through this method I believe students would learn best. It would definitely have been better than some of the math classes that I have had.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Summary & Synthesis
I really like the blue CGI book that we are reading because although I have used these types of problems and can teach it, I didn't realize that each strategy has a name. The error patterns book that we did some problems out of was also really neat and gives some great ideas for helping struggling students. It seems like the past month we have been doing a lot more hands-on activities that could easily be used in the classroom and I feel like I get a better understanding of the concepts by doing these activities.
New Insights and Their Implications
While we have begun our foray into writing the lesson plan for understanding, I have learned a lot about myself. This lesson is very difficult for me to write because I want to fall back into my comfort zone and the way I have always been taught. In writing this lesson, I know it is more beneficial to my students and their learning to use the approach that we have learned thus far in class. While old habits die hard, new and improved ideas are popping out of my head. I am using and adapting the ways that I was taught into my new way of thinking.
Kami and I are working together to create a lesson for the order of operations. I distinctly remember my teacher writing the order on the board, making us copy it, and then telling us we had to memorize it. We were to use what we memorized (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally) to complete different problems in assignments and test now and in the future. She never explained why we had to use them and why specifically in that order. It was just something we were expected to know. In our lesson, we have realized that we need to let students discover the order (Thanks Dr. Reins) on their own and also the importance of knowing why they have to do it. We have looked into a variety of sources and our just now discovering the why's. Hopefully our students will not have to wait ten or more years to discover this.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Summary and Synthesis
I also find myself applying this approach in science. With all the reflecting we do with reading and daily activities, I can see the transfer of teaching this way into science also. I'm not exactly sure how to apply this to other content areas but its cool to see how it can be used in science too. As much as I complain and whine, I know this class will have a big impact on my teaching ability, strategies, and overall philosophy.
Questions and Answers
My partner and I have been working on our lpu and it has raised a few questions. First, do teachers really have to write lesson plans that are like our lpu assignment? Do teachers mostly get their lessons out of the teachers’ manual and follow that or do they write their own lesson plans? The past few days we have been working on our lpu and it seems me a teacher should take ideas out of the teachers’ manuals, but have the main ideas and activities be their own. It maybe difficult and time consuming to write lesson plans as multifaceted as we are, but I feel the students will get a lot out of our lesson plan.
As I have been looking through 5th grade teachers’ manuals I have noticed that there are worksheets for different leveled math students. My question is when handing out a worksheet for homework do you give each student a different worksheet, one that has questions that fits the level they are at, or do you give everyone the same worksheet. I don’t ever remember not having the same worksheet as my classmates when I was in grade school.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Questions and Answers!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Summary and Synthesize
New Insights and Their Implications

What did you learn from your peers, from the instructor, and/or the readings, about elementary school students, and/or about yourself, and the teaching and learning of math and what are their implications to teaching and learning mathematics?
Recently in class, we have been working with a variety of manipulatives to assist in student understanding of various concepts. Prior to our working with manipulatives, we were to read an article by Deborah Ball entitled, Magical Hopes: Manipulatives and the Reform of Math Education. She begins the article by discussion a particular situation in which she has asked educators what they would do in a situation regarding student exploration about even and odd numbers. Many of the educators responded by asking whether or not manipulatives had been used prior to the student presenting their ideas. Educators, on the majority, also suggested that manipulatives be used to help further student discussion. Ball's point in mentioning what educators said is that many have the misconceptions that manipulatives are the answer for EVERYTHING! She continues on to state that the difficulty in educator's relying on manipulatives is in their misinterpretation of the standards. There is a clear discrepancy in what the standards say and what educators say with regard to "concrete objects" as vehicles for teaching and learning.
Due to reading this article and my experience in our class using manipulatives, it has made me much more aware of how educators are actually using them in the classroom. I recently observed a teacher using Base Ten Blocks (ex. shown above in yellow) to help a student understand addition of three digit numbers. As I sat and watched, I wondered whether or not having the student use the manipulatives was really helping to reinforce what the teacher wanted the student to learn. It seemed as though the student was able to understand the concept when using the blocks, but when it came time to solve the problem on paper, the student struggled. I feel that this is a clear example of the disconnect that we have talked about in class between differing understandings.
P.S.) I hope everyone has a wonderful week and safe SPRING BREAK!
Summary and Synthesize
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Personal Concerns and Next Steps
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Personal Concerns and Next Steps
Monday, March 3, 2008
Personal Concerns and Next Steps
I am kind of worried about my test. I think I well but on the other hand I am not so sure. I think I had most concepts down but then applying them to the test makes me wonder if I really understood them. I do appreciate the time that you gave for the test. I finished in class but with the thought of the extra time kind of gave me a little relief. There just to be so much information that I needed to know and understand for the test. I know I had notes but they were only there for a little help. I needed to understand the concepts of the notes, and to a point I did. I do appreciate the use of the notes because they did allow me to go back and re-look and understand some of the material again. I hope I did well on the test.
Personal Concerns & Next Steps
Questions oh Questions
I know that this new approach is all about getting students to think for themselves and for them to be able to develop the concepts, but sometimes I just wish for a lesson or two, it could be laid out to us that "this is how you should do it". I don’t mean every lesson but I just do not feel prepared what-so-ever right now to teach math and I would like to be the best teacher I can be, in EVERY subject. I will continue to work hard at trying to learning the best I can, which is the only thing I can do right now!
Personal Concerns and Next Steps
In addition, about the first quiz that we took. I didn’t do too well, especially when one of my points got taken away after it had been corrected. I do think that it is a great idea when teachers/professors let their students make it up. It gives the student a second chance to improve their score, and allows the teacher some insight on if the student really understands the content being learned. Plus, I liked how the second quiz was similar to the first quiz that helped me out a lot. Actually now that I have taken it a second time I know I did a lot better and feel more confident on my grade. If we have this opportunity every time I won’t be so fearful that I am going to fail the class.
Summary and Synthesis
In the last month we had been learning about areas. We started out with simple areas that we already knew, like the rectangle and triangle. We then branched out into more complicated figures. We found ways that we could use what we already knew from these two figures and combine our knowledge for these figures, some of which we did not even know the names of. We were pushed to find how to use our previous knowledge on these new figures. In the end we were able to generate our own formulas to use on figures to find their areas.
One thing that I thought was important about our using this knowledge was that many of us knew the formula for rectangles and triangles already, some people even remembered the formulas for other shapes. So our knowledge was very different from the students that we are going to have to teach in the future. To me this meant that at some point we are going to have to tell students some formulas.
Pick's theorem was an interesting assignment. I really struggled to find the relationship between the formulas I was able to find, but once I was able to find the correct connections that they each have I was able to really see how I could apply this formula in other cases.
I really liked the assignment for finding the formula of a quadrilateral. I thought this really helped me to see the process that students would have to go through to understand this information. I also thought that, while at the beginning it was difficult for me, once I just concentrated on it I was able to understand the information and would be able to relate the information to students to help them understand.
Overall, I learned a lot this month. I really think that its really imporant for me to understand these concepts in order to make me a better teacher.