Monday, March 3, 2008

Personal Concerns & Next Steps

First off...I am terrified of math and then at times I love it, that is if I know how to find the correct answer. I can't make up my mind as to whether I have a firm grasp on this constructivist approach. When I did the worksheet on the polygons I had it all down to the key. Then I took the polygon quiz and got so worried about time and the length that I did not do as well as I should have. I was so happy that we got to re-take it. I did amazing compared to before and I believe the atmosphere and not having a time pressure made all the difference. I also felt this way with the midterm as I know others have as well. I was not sure what to expect. I tried reviewing all the modules and sessional notes that I printed off but it was too much information to look I ended up not making it all the way through the notes. Dr. Reins was right, even though you can use your notes be sure to study ahead of time. While I was taking the midterm in class I began to panic at all the detail, tricky questions, length, and time limit of the test. I began to panic as I looked up at the clock tick and know I would not be able to finish. Then I started to cry right after I handed in my test. Yes, I cried. (I am way too sensitive.) I had this gigantic feeling that I was going to fail this class. It also did not help that I am a slow test taker and get very distracted by pencil tapping, etc. As most of you already know I usually do not take exams in the classroom. However; this is the only class I did not get my accommodation signed for because my friend (in the cohort above us) told us the tests are take-home and I did not think I would need it. So my next step is to get my accommodation signed and have a proctor for the next test. Also, I will be sure to review the notes in more detail before an exam (especially the modules.) Back to the midterm. It was very difficult and I felt like there were many trick and in depth questions. I totally felt the whole constructivist approach being placed in front of me but did not know how to go about to answering the questions. It was a very different form of assessment than I have ever experienced before. I now know what the tests will be like and will be able to better prepare myself next time. 

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