Monday, March 3, 2008

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

I know for this blog that we are not allowed to vent, but I did want to bring up the difficulty of the midterm. I know I wasn’t the only one who thought it was tricky and walked out after the test thinking, Wow that was really confusing! I did think it was very nice of Dr. Reins to allow us more time to finish the test. He could have just said ok that is all the time you get and now I am going to grade it even if you didn’t finish it. Everyone tests at a different rate. I am one of those people that need an enormous amount of time to take a test, especially one like that. Also, I do think it is very kind of Dr. Reins to let us use are books and binder, but the information we have learned over the past few months and all the print outs that we have been given is a tad much. I just don’t understand why he can’t give us a little bit of a heads up on what to study for. Again, I am one of those people who will want to study everything unless I get some amount of feedback on what to focus on. As for the future, I don’t see why it would hurt if you (Dr. Reins) just gave us some points to focus on.
In addition, about the first quiz that we took. I didn’t do too well, especially when one of my points got taken away after it had been corrected. I do think that it is a great idea when teachers/professors let their students make it up. It gives the student a second chance to improve their score, and allows the teacher some insight on if the student really understands the content being learned. Plus, I liked how the second quiz was similar to the first quiz that helped me out a lot. Actually now that I have taken it a second time I know I did a lot better and feel more confident on my grade. If we have this opportunity every time I won’t be so fearful that I am going to fail the class.

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