Thursday, October 25, 2007

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

Before this class started I assumed it was going to be writing a bunch of math lessons and going over what is important in each grade. While the semester has been going I have realized that is not what this methods course is at all. I think that what we are learning is important but I am also afraid of starting my student teaching next fall and realizing that I have no idea how to teach specific math skills. I am personally not very good at math making my confidence level go down and my anxiety level rise when I even walk in the classroom. If I could avoid teaching one subject in my classroom it would be math. One thing that I have realized throughout the semester is that I do not want to pass this fear or frustration of math on to my students so I hope to be able to teach them math skills on a deeper level so they are not relying on their memorization of equations to solve problems. So all in all I am concerned I will not be able to reach this goal I have set for myself.