Tuesday, February 3, 2009


After class today, some of my thoughts before about constructivism still hold. I know that it is a learning theory about knowledge and learning. Before I thought that it was more something that we taught, or part of a theory of teaching but it's not. This is a theory about how a person comes to know something. After class today, I feel more comfortable with the term constructivism but feel that it is a theory that I will need to read about and find more about before I begin teaching.

New Insights and Their Implications

New Insights and Their Implications - What did you learn from your peers, from the instructor, and/or the readings, about elementary school students, and/or about yourself, and the teaching and learning of math and what are their implications to teaching and learning mathematics?
Math has always been a difficult subject for me and I was nervous to take this course! After being in the class for a couple of weeks, the course isn't as "scary" as I thought it would be because everything is explained really well. I have learned the importance of helping students find ways to solve their own problems and that when it comes to solving story problems, there is no right way. I'm interested to see what the new SD Math Standards will look like after they are recreated later this year. I also like that we are also incorporating the NCTM Standards- they are very easy to understand and provide lots of activities to correlate with specific points.