Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

Right now, as time sits, I am concerned about the upcoming test. It really makes me worried that I can't spend as much time on it due to our LPU and my two praxiss exams on Saturday and the many project we have due next week. Most of my time now is devoted to studying for the Praxiss and trying to meet with my group members.
My next steps to solve these concerns are to meet with my group members a few times this week and try to finish the LPU; leaving time for me to study for my two exams, and the rest of the time to spend on the test. It will take alot of time and energy to do all my homework, but I am certain that I will be able to accomplish all of this, and still have time to do a great job on the test. I will be REALLY happy when this week and next week are done!!!