Monday, September 22, 2008

Personal Concerns

Since coming to college math has not been the easiest thing for me, I never used to have a problem with it, it was always a subject that I understood. However, I believe the teaching styles have changed since I have come to college, that they assume we as students know more than we do. So far this class has been easier to follow then most math classes I have taken in college. I believe it is the style of teaching used in the classroom, it is broken down and you give us a way to find the answer ourselves. It makes learning more enjoyable and less stressful.

Personal Concerns and Next Steps

I, honestly, have been a little worried about this class because it's math. In the past, I have never been given a good reason to enjoy math. I've always struggled with some mathematical aspects, so, I have grown to actually dislike math. However, I am doing my best to have a positive outlook for this class. I'm trying my best not to judge this class based on other math classes that I've taken. I have to say that, so far, I am very interested in this math methods class! I am very anxious to learn much more about how to teach my future students. I look forward to learning many different methods of teaching my future students.