Thursday, October 23, 2008

Summary and Synthesis

Thus far, I have learned a lot about how to better teach mathematics. I agree with the fact that the traditional way of teaching math is outdated and too procedural to accomplish major goals in mathematics, but I must say that I think it will be difficult to transfer my thoughts into a new way of thinking and teaching. It will definitely take time to accomplish major goals for how to better teach mathematics because it is first crucial for myself to become familiar with procedures. This way of teaching math does make more sense to me. I think that it is important for young students to be able to ask questions and be active participants in their learning. I think they should have the opportunity to find answers on their own and make sense of the information that is being given to them. I feel that procedures and always following rules makes students think that there is only one way to accomplish tasks and they should know that for full understanding, they need to learn all about the problems instead of just the formulas. I know that I have a lot more to learn, but I am willing to learn for the sake of my future students. I want my students to be taught the best way that I know how to teach.