Monday, February 18, 2008

New Insights and Their Implications

Coming into this class I was not excited because every math class I take is a struggle.  After 5 weeks of class I can honestly say I am enjoying this math class.  Every math class previous to this there was only one method taught and that was to the discretion of the instructor.  In eled 330, I have enjoyed learning multiple methods to solving problems.  Up until last week, I did not feel comfortable enough to explain area to someone.  I have now acquired enough understanding of the concepts of area that I could help someone else who is struggling.  
I have learned that their is a lot to take in during the class period. There are days I have to go back and reflect on what was covered 2 or 3 times to understand the meaning of the material Dr. Reins has covered in class.  The difference between this math class and other math classes is that after 2 or 3 times reviewing the material I am grasping the concepts.  That has been exciting for me!
Deanna Smith

New Insights & Their Implications...

What have I learned about the teaching/learning of math from ELED 330? 1) This class should be a 400 level course, bc it’s so deep. 2) Even though I’ve had to take over 3 years of Math, nothing has prepared me for teaching math to any age of students. 3) A constructivism vs. traditional method of teaching.

In past math courses, I will not lie, I have done whatever I could to simply stay afloat. Yes, I got that great grade to pass and move on to the next course, but obviously none of that helped, in that ELED 330 is completely different. Every Tue/Thur, my brain gets heavier and heavier with more things to process, and every Tue/Thur, I get more and more apprehensive when thinking about teaching math to students-even future KINDERGARTEN kids…I am still pondering the constructivism vs. traditional method of teaching; I feel both have their place and maybe a balance of the two would be best for Mrs. Tia’s future classroom.

So, what are the implications of my new insights? Well, first of all, thank goodness I’m in the semester before my student teaching, as I have a lot to glean, and secondly, maybe instead of focusing on why/how math can be difficult, I could focus on what I can do to teach math in a creative and fun environment…